Tips for Those Considering a Career Change
- Have a professional resume, and a LinkedIn profile up to date. Make sure that the information in, is consistent in
both. Make sure you have an answer ready to the following questions:
I. Professional Picture
II. List Keywords and Skills related to your field.
III. List Accomplishments with Quantitative results.
I. Length: 2 pages EXCEPT- Freshers/Recent grads, <6 years’ experience – 1 page
II. C-Suite, Military, Medical, Legal, Project Management – 2 pages+ ii. Make it simple and easy to read. iii. Use a
simple font like Arial or Times New Roman. Keep your font size between 10 and 12 points.
III. Use power words, such as “achieved,” “earned,” “completed” or “accomplished.”
IV. Send your resume as a PDF
• What makes me unique in my field is….
I. Elevator speech: What makes me unique in my field is….
II. What is your Salary Range? You will not consider less than…. $ X
III. What kind of culture are you looking for?
IV. Are you open to relocate? Any states where you would not relocate?
V. How important are titles to you?
VI. How much travel are you willing to do?
- Start making a list of people who you can use as a reference. These are your Champions! Previous Boss, Peer,
and a subordinate.
• Network. Friends, family, recruiters.
• Interviews. Most of all the interviews nowadays are by Web conference.
I. Dress for the part
II. Sit in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted
III. Test your microphone and camera before you go live.
IV. Be ready to share 2 or 3 highlights of you career — Situation, Task, Action, Results.
• Don’t get frustrated or disappointed if you don’t hear back from jobs that you apply for.
• Stay Positive. Find the right job is a process that usually takes at least a couple of months.
• Improve your skills. Take an online class.
• Service Others. Volunteer.