01. Photo
For starters, add a photo. It helps you build credibility with others and be authentic. It doesn’t need to be perfect or professionally
shot. Just choose something recent that shows the real you. And when you upload it, you can enhance it with our filters.
02. Location
Details are good. The more you add to your profile, the more LinkedIn can help you find your next opportunity. When you add
your location, you’re more likely to be contacted by recruiters and employers about jobs in your area.
03. Summary
This is your career snapshot. Think of it as your personal “elevator pitch.” Describe what you do and highlight your strengths. Pro tips: Stick to a few short paragraphs. Lose the jargon. And be your authentic self.
04. Experience
Starting with your current position, write about projects, accomplishments, and the value you bring to your team and
organization. Keep it clear and concise. Bullet points work great here.
05. Pictures and videos
Adding media is a great way to engage other people. Posting photos, videos, and more helps you tell your professional story in
eye-catching ways.
06. Education
Be sure to include where you went to school and what you studied. People who list these details get up to 11x more profile views.
07. Endorsements
Add skills you want to be known for—and that your connections can endorse you for. Every new endorsement adds credibility to
your profile.