Interview Tips – Using the STAR Format

Interview Tips – Using the STAR Format

In a behavioral job interview, the company asks questions about your past work experiences to find out if you have the skills needed for the job. Behavioral interview questions focus on how you handled various work situations in the past. Your response will reveal your skills, abilities, and personality.

The logic behind this interview tactic is that your behavior in the past reflects and predicts how you will behave in the future. But remember the interviewer behavior is not necessarily asking yes or no questions, and it may help to review how to answer interview questions without a right (or wrong) answer.

Respond to questions with specific examples of how you have previously handled situations in the workplace. Answers to behavior interview questions should be in the form of a brief anecdote that illustrates your strengths and skills as a worker. Provide background on the situation, the specific actions you took, and the results.

Review examples of the questions you may be asked during a behavioral job interview and think about how you would answer them. That way you will be prepared ahead of time, rather than having to think of a response on the spot during the interview.

The STAR technique is a useful strategy for responding to interview questions that require an anecdote. It is an
excellent way to organize your thoughts. There are four steps to answering using this technique:

(S) Situation. Describe the situation in which the event took place.
(T) Task. Describe the task you were asked to complete. If there was a problem or issue you were trying to solve, describe that here.
(A) Action. Explain what action you took to complete the task or solve the problem.
(R) Results. Explain the result of your actions. For example, if your actions resulted in completing a task, resolving a conflict, improving your company’s sales record, etc., explain this. Try to focus on how your actions resulted in a success for the company.

Tips for Answering Behavioral Interview


Take your time. It is okay to take a moment before answering the question. Take a breath, or a sip of water, or simply pause. This will give you time to calm any nerves and think of an anecdote that appropriately answers the question.

Prepare ahead of time. Review common behavioral interview questions ahead of time and practice your answers. This will help you ensure that you have several thoughtful anecdotes ready to answer any behavioral interview questions.

Follow the STAR technique. Be sure to answer any questions using the STAR technique described
above. By completing each of the four steps, you will provide a thorough answer without rambling or getting off topic.

Be positive. Often, behavioral interview questions require you to focus on a problem or a failure at work. Des-
cribe the problem or issue you faced, but do not focus too much on the negative. Quickly shift to describing how you solved the problem, and the positive results.

Common Behavioral Interview Questions

Read through the behavioral interview questions below. Practice answering some of these, using the STAR technique to provide complete answers. It may also help to review these common behavioral interview questions with answers.

• Give an example of an occasion when you used data to solve a problem.
• Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it.
• Give an example of a goal you did not meet and how you handled it.
• Describe a stressful situation at work and how you handled it.
• Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure.
• How do you handle a challenge?
• Have you been in a situation where you did not have enough work to do?
• Describe a decision you made that was unpopular and how you handled implementing it.
• Did you ever make a risky decision? Why? How did you handle it?
• When you worked on multiple projects how did you prioritize?
• Give an example of how you set goals and achieve them.
• Have you had to convince a team to work on a project they were not thrilled about? How did you do it?
• Have you handled a difficult situation with a co-worker? How?
• Share an example of how you were able to motivate employees or co-workers.
• Do you listen? Give an example of when you did or when you did not listen.
• Have you handled a difficult situation with a supervisor? How?
• Describe your favorite Boss and why was he/she so?
• What do you do if you disagree with your boss?
• What is your management style?

Top 10 behavioral interview questions & STAR answers:

01. Question: Tell me about a time you had a conflict at work.

STAR Model Answer: There was a disagreement I had with a coworker which originated from a miscommunication. To keep our work environment professional and positive, we had to discuss it and make amends. I sat down with them one day during lunch, paid for their meal, and took initiative by apologizing for my part in the whole mess. Now, we work together well and are often praised for our impressive teamwork.

02. Question: Can you describe a stressful situation and how you handled it?

STAR Model Answer: At my last restaurant, I once found out mere hours in advance about a health inspection. As the head chef, I oversaw making sure everything was in order in the kitchen and the BOH before the inspector arrived. I quickly called in employees from the last shift to help, leaving the others available to prep for that evening’s dinner. As a result, we were able to ace the inspection, less costly in the long run compared to giving employees a few hours of overtime.

03. Question: Can you detail a mistake you made and how you reacted to it?

STAR Model Answer: One time, I switched the packing labels of two packages I sent to customers. I had to correct the problem without angering the clients. I called them both up and provided them with shipping labels with the correct addresses while offering each of them a small gift certificate to use on a future order. The customers not only helped me fix my mistake, but they were both satisfied and will return and shop again.

04. Question: Tell me about a time when you performed well under enormous pressure.

STAR Model Answer: At my last job, my coworker needed to miss work for some time, and their project was left unfinished and without a manager. My supervisor instructed me to take on the project, and with no leniency on the deadline, I had days to complete a project that originally should have taken several weeks. I requested and was granted reduced weekly goals, giving me more time to finish the special project. As far as my weekly goals, I was able to delegate them out to teammates. With my reduced goals, I dedicated more time to the special project. This allowed me to finish it on time and with complete accuracy. My supervisor appreciated my attitude and drive, and I was given several more projects after that, along with an eventual promotion and pay raise.

05. Question: Have you ever dealt with a sticky situation involving another department?

STAR Model Answer: Previously, my department had a misunderstanding with members of our accounting department. We needed to correct the issue to keep office morale from plummeting. I gave my team a small budget and instructed my team to each pick out a thoughtful present for their counterpart in accounting. Later that night and from then onward, we became friends and strong colleagues.

06. Question: Give me an example of a goal you met.

STAR Model Answer: Last October, I had to write six articles for the month to keep our blog fresh. I created an action plan for myself, with deadlines as to when each article should be published. I finished that month with six articles written and ahead of schedule.

07. Question: Give me an example of a goal you could not meet and how you handled it.

STAR Model Answer: Last November, I had to write six articles for the month to keep our blog fresh. Throughout the month, I was tasked with small responsibilities that took time away from my goal. I was unable to complete my six posts, but I talked to my supervisor and detailed all my extra work completed, and I was praised for my accomplishments, as well.

08. Question: Tell me about a time when you had to placate an unsatisfied client.

STAR Model Answer: As a flight attendant, I had a passenger who seemed to hate his seat next to a wailing infant. I decided to see what I could do to ease his suffering before he complained. With unoccupied seats in business class, I upgraded that passenger, and he was thrilled at his luck while the mother and infant were given more room to spread out.

09. Question: Have you ever had a disagreement with an immediate supervisor?

STAR Model Answer: I once disagreed with my supervisor on the wording of her instructions. As her employee, I had to balance my respect for her with my English lessons from school. Instead of shoving a dictionary in her face, I apologized for the confusion and told her that I saw where we became confused. She respected me much more after that, and she even gave her a recommendation for my promotion.

10. Question: Describe a time when you went above and beyond.

STAR Model Answer: Earlier this year, there was a day where I had to come into the garden center on a Saturday and take care of some tasks on which we were behind. I came in, listening to my headphones the entire time, and ended up finishing everything before lunch. As I was in such a productive mood, I stayed the full day, and eventually completed tasks that were meant for the following few days. Since that day, the garden center has never fallen behind again.


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